Svět ženy Číselné křížovky 11/2024

About the title


This monthly magazine brings not only the possibility of perfect mind and memory exercises and competitions for attractive prizes but even the relaxation from everyday life. If you let it enter to your life you will fall under its spell very soon. It will become your good friend for the moments of relaxation. In addition Svět ženy Číselné křížovky offers you a big amount of quality reading. You can enjoy the Murphy’s laws, jokes and quotation, learn about the destinies of unique women and men who are somehow written to people’s mind, and news from celebrity lives. This magazine tells you something about various health issues, ways how to solve them or how to prevent them. It provides you the practical hints not merely from household, introduces you new ways how to be fit and becomes your guide in the world of cosmetics and fashion trends. The section Travelling offers you the insight into various corners of our planet and according to the recipes you can prepare the delicious meals. And besides you can win the nice cash prizes!