Burda Style

The only fashion magazine with more than 50 years of existence on the European market!
What is BURDA STYLE about?
It has a unique concept - patterns, according to which readers can sew completely original models. In addition, it brings new trends in world fashion, cosmetics, make-up, hairstyles, accessories.
Who reads BURDA STYLE?
Self-confident, demanding women aged 25-55 who are creative, economically active and family-oriented, often with a university education.
What makes BURDA STYLE unique?
Tradition and unique concept (cuts). It is a phenomenon in fashion, an authority and a professional advisor.
Periodicity: monthly
On the market from: 1989
Readership: 85 000
Circulation: 20 700
Target group: women 25-55
Sales dpt. contact information ZDE – TEAM FOOD, HOME AND ICT